Focusing on Suicide Prevention for our Veterans
The Operation Daily Battle Training Fund is managed by the ODB Committee and the VFW Riders State Chairmen, as appointed by their respective Department Commanders. This is to include making changes to the Operational Procedures, determining Rally dates and committee members, and disbursement of funds. Funds are held within the Texas VFW Foundation until reimbursement is requested and approved.
Donations can be turned in at the Annual ODB Rally or throughout the year using the Donations Link provided.
Funds will be disbursed through the Texas VFW Foundation to members of VFW Riders that are in good standing as follows:
A member of the VFW or its Auxiliary will complete an approved Suicide Intervention training course and receive a completion certificate
Next the member will register online at the Texas VFW Foundation website https://texasvfwfoundation.smapply.org/ to report their completion of the training – to include a copy of their certificate and receipt of payment for training (if applicable)
The member can then request a reimbursement or choose to donate the money back into the ODB Fund for another member
Once request is made, an email will be generated to the appropriate VFW Riders State Chairman
Once request is approved – the Texas VFW Foundation will reimburse the VFW Riders member (if requested) for their completed course

QPR Institute Logo

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Logo

Training Institute for Suicide Assessment Logo

LivingWorks ASIST Logo

1-2-3 Suicide Prevention Logo